Thursday, May 21, 2020
Why Do Helium Balloons Deflate
Helium balloons deflate after a few days, even though ordinary latex balloons filled with air may hold their shape for weeks. Why do helium balloons lose their gas and their lift so quickly? The answer has to do with the nature of helium and the balloon material. Key Takeaways: Helium Balloons Helium balloons float because helium is less dense than air.Helium balloons deflate because helium atoms are small enough to slip between spaces in the balloon material.Helium balloons are Mylar and not rubber because there is less space between the molecules in Mylar, so the balloon stays inflated longer. Helium Versus Air in Balloons Helium is a noble gas, which means each helium atom has a full valence electron shell. Because helium atoms are stable on their own, they dont form chemical bonds with other atoms. So, helium balloons are filled with lots of tiny helium atoms. Regular balloons are filled with air, which is mostly nitrogen and oxygen. Single nitrogen and oxygen atoms are already much larger and more massive than helium atoms, plus these atoms bond together to form N2 and O2 molecules. Since helium is much less massive than nitrogen and oxygen in the air, helium balloons float. However, the smaller size also explains why helium balloons deflate so quickly. The helium atoms are very tiny  so tiny the random motion of the atoms eventually lets them find their way through the material of the balloon through a process called diffusion. Some helium even finds its way through the knot that ties off the balloon. Neither helium nor air balloons deflate completely. At some point, the pressure of gases on both the inside and outside of the balloon becomes the same and the balloon reaches equilibrium. Gases are still exchanged across the wall of the balloon, but it doesnt shrink any further. Why Helium Balloons Are Foil or Mylar Air slowly diffuses through regular latex balloons, but the gaps between latex molecules are small enough that it takes a long time for enough air to leak out to really matter. If you put helium into a latex balloon, it diffuses out so quickly your balloon would deflate in next to no time. Also, when you inflate a latex balloon, you fill the balloon with gas and put pressure on the inside surface of its material. A 5-inch radius balloon has roughly 1000 pounds of force exerted on its surface! You can inflate a balloon by blowing air into it because the force per unit area of the membrane isnt that much. Its still enough pressure to force helium through the wall of the balloon, much like how water drips through a paper towel. So, helium balloons are thin foil or Mylar because these balloons hold their shape without the need for a lot of pressure and because the pores between the molecules are smaller. Hydrogen Versus Helium What deflates faster than a helium balloon? A hydrogen balloon. Even though hydrogen atoms form chemical bonds with each other to become H2 gas, each hydrogen molecule is still smaller than a single helium atom. This is because normal hydrogen atoms lack neutrons, while each helium atom has two neutrons. Factors That Affect How Quickly a Helium Balloon Deflates You already know the balloon material affects how well it holds helium. Foil and Mylar work better than latex or paper or other porous materials. There are other factors that influence how long a helium balloon remains inflated and floats. Coatings on the inside of the balloon affect how long it lasts. Some helium balloons are treated with a gel that helps hold the gas inside the balloon longer.Temperature influences how long a balloon lasts. At higher temperature, the motion of molecules increases, so the rate of diffusion (and rate of deflation) increases. Increases the temperature also increases the pressure the gas exerts on the wall of the balloon. If the balloon is latex, it can expand to accommodate the increased pressure, but this also increases the gaps between latex molecules, so the gas can escape more quickly. A foil balloon cant expand, so the increased pressure can cause the balloon to burst. If the balloon doesnt pop, the pressure means helium atoms interact more often with the balloon material, leaking out faster.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Suppose something happens that it was within your power to...
Suppose something happens that it was within your power to prevent? If you didn’t have malicious intent, was it still you fault? Does letting someone die when you know you had the capability of saving them in turn make you a murderer? All of these are questions that philosophical thinkers have tried to answer for centuries. The Doctrine of Acts and Omissions holds that it is morally worse to commit an act that brings about a bad event than it would be merely to allow the event to take place by not doing anything to prevent its occurrence. In essence, there is an intrinsic moral difference between acting and the failure to act. In some ways, we bear more responsibility for what comes about as a result of our doing something than for what†¦show more content†¦However, and important note is that even though motives are the same, they are extrinsic difference where the Doctrine speaks about intrinsic differences. Thus, active and passive euthanasia are morally equival ent and it is not worse to preform active rather than passive euthanasia. Suppose I want my baby nephew to die and I enter his bathroom with the intent of killing him. In scenario one, I consciously and intentionally hold his head under the water until he drowns to death. In the second scenario I walk in on him accidently slip and hit his head on the bathtub. He then goes unconscious and drowns under water. I watch as this happens, but I don’t make the small effort of picking up his head from under the water. These two actions may seem like they aren’t as morally taxing but since the intentions were the same from the get go, they are in fact morally equivalent and just as bad. In this case, the act of killing and the allowing the killing to occur are the same. A pragmatic example of this argument that may help convince you on why acting and failing to act are morally equivalent is in the world of dating. If someone is in a relationship with another person and wants to cheat, is the act of pursuing someone and sleeping with them is same as allowing one to seduce you and you stopping the act from occurring? The motives are the same in this case, and even if the motives were different, they are extrinsicShow MoreRelatedVampire Diaries61771 Words  | 248 PagesThirteenChapter Fourteen Chapter FifteenChapter Sixteen Are you having a good time? Elena asked. I am now. Stefan didnt say it, but Elena knew it was what he was thinking. She could see it in the way he stared at her. She had never been so sure of her power. Except that actually he didnt look as if he were having a good time; he looked stricken, in pain, as if he couldnt take one more minute of this. The band was starting up, a slow dance. He was still staring at her, drinking her in. 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Business Research Applications Free Essays
I do not particularly work for any organization, but the organization I chose to research is Wal-Mart. The types of thing this essay will explain about Wal-Mart are how Wal-Mart conducts research, and how it can be used more effectively. This essay will also explain the current research Wal-Mart has conducted and will also include which areas that more research is needed for Wal-Mart in order for them to continue their business efforts in retaining the title of one of the largest retailers nationwide. We will write a custom essay sample on Business Research Applications or any similar topic only for you Order Now As a company that is so well known, many businesses still try to compete with the way Wal-Mart works and conduct’s their research. There are many different types of research known as research methods. Some of these include but are not limited to qualitative and quantitative research. Qualitative research is a set of non-numerical research techniques in which data is obtained from a relatively small group of respondents and not analyzed with statistical techniques. Quantitative research is a collection of numerical data in order to describe, explain, predict, and/or control phenomena of interest (www. crel. org). Although Wal-Mart is a big company, there are many down falls they tend to hold on to. Wal-Mart also uses many research methods to gather information about the store such as products, customer service, pricing, employee fairness, etc. One research method that Wal-Mart uses is a survey method. I don’t know how many times I have been to Wal-Mart and was given a receipt that stated to go online and complete a survey and I will be entered in to a sweepstakes.Well, I didn’t win the sweepstakes, and the survey was basically just questions about the Wal-Mart store and which areas if any, needed improvement on customer satisfaction, employee fairness, and even about Wal-Mart’s pay scale. Wal-Mart is a big organization but in my opinion lacks the research skills needed to find better ways to handle the so many smalltime issues at hand. Many people have criticized Wal-Mart for the way they conduct business, wages, working conditions, and problems with insurance. Some activists also protest to new stores being built in certain locations and communities.During 2005, Labor Unions established new organizations and websites to help influence the public’s opinion about Wal-Mart. By the End 0f 2005, Wal-Mart created the Working family’s for Wal-Mart to counter criticisms made by other groups. To gain a better understanding of the challenges of money management for people in the economy today, Wal-Mart commissioned Aite Group to conduct a study on undeserved individuals across the country. This study showed that paying bills in-person remains main stream among a large segment of Americans who make less than $45,000 in annual income per year. Wal-Mart’s new plan with the Walk-in-bill pay is another way that Wal-Mart is trying to put ease to the community. The research that Wal-Mart conducted helped them have a better understanding of the publics’ financial needs, which in turn helped Wal-Mart strategize a better and more convenient way for the public to pay their bills while paying a much lower cost to pay that bill. As an area that I think Wal-Mart needs to conduct more research is with employee fairness and in the insurance area of Wal-Mart.Wal-Mart claims that they offer affordable insurance, but according to a memo written by Susan Chambers, Wal-Mart’s executive Vice President for Benefits, she states, â€Å"our critics are correct in some of their observations. Specifically, our coverage is expensive for low-income families, and Wal-Mart has a significant percentage of associates and their children on public assistance†(Chambers, 2005). Now with the executive vice president writing a memo on Wal-Mart, you would think this would send the message to reduce insurance cover costs and premiums for employees.As for another area that needs more research is the pay wage at Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart neglects to address the issues revolving around the pay that employees receive. There is a lot of speculation on if Wal-Mart’s pay ratio is promising. Wal-Mart workers usually earn an estimated twelve percent less than retail workers altogether and fourteen percent less than workers in large retail in general. Many recent studies have found that a new company of Wal-Mart into a county would reduce both average and aggregate earnings of most retail workers and would reduce the share of retail workers with health coverage on the job.The impact is not only one of substitution of higher wage for lower wage retail jobs, but also a reduction in wages among competitors. As a result of lower compensation, Wal-Mart workers tend to make greater use of public health and welfare programs compared to retail workers as a whole, which will end up transferring costs to taxpayers (http://laborcenter. berkeley. edu). These two topics are the ones that mainly stick out to me, and seem to need a lot more research to successfully find an answer to the many issues Wal-Mart faces each and everyday.Wal-Mart’s corporate office knows that critics are out there waiting for Wal-Mart to make a mistake so that they can capitalize on it and expose all of Wal-Mart’s little secrets to the public. In order for Wal-Mart to continue to make advancements in the retail business they first must address the issues surrounding their companies and employees, and find better alternatives in the way the company makes their money. Wal-Mart has to understand that the financial situations of the public are of most concern to the public people; considering the poverty levels within the public as well as the financial stress for the whole economy. How to cite Business Research Applications, Essays
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