Friday, January 24, 2020
Mary Crow Dog in the American Indian Movement :: essays research papers
During the American Indian Movement, many Native Americans tribes came together as a unit and fought against the injustices that were thrust upon them by American governmental polices. The fact that many Native people were ?whitemanized? through Christianity and other things that such as boarding school played a role in shaping Native peoples identity. However, the involvement in the American Indian Movement shaped the identity of Mary Crow Dog by making her accept who she was ?an Indian woman, and by making her more willing to fight for the rights of Native Americans. Before joining the American Indian Movement, Mary Crow Dog was forced into boarding school and she questioned her identity many times. For instance, she said that as a young girl she wanted to know who she was because her skin was very light. Because of this she wanted a to lay out in the sun so that she could become a real skin Indian. She questioned her Indian identity because her father was white and also because she was a ?iyeska.? This meaning a half blood Indian and as a result she was looked down upon by white people and full bloods Indians. When Mary Crow Dog joined the American Indian Movement, her outlook on life as an Indian changed because she accepted who she was and she was proud of being and Indian as well. She held on to her old religion and she participated in old Indian traditions such as Ghost dancing. She also went back to using medicine man and peyote roadman. In her point of view ?holding on to her own religion was one way of resisting a slow death of the Indian culture that was being perpetuated by the white man. In addition, she stated that to be an Indian she had to go to the full bloods and listen to what they had to say. This is because the full blood was humble and they had hearts. Another thing that allowed Mary Crow dog to accept who she was, was the fact that AIM brought a lot of different tribes together and they all fought collectively against White America. One of the most important things that the American Indian Movement did for Mary Crow dog was it made her more willing to fight for Indian rights. For example, she protested in Washington with AIM and she was part of the native people that took over the Bureau of Indian Affairs building.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Healthy Eating Essay
Healthy means having or indicating good health in your body or mind. Being healthy means feeling good. Being healthy is one of the better things in life. When a person is healthy, that person would be able to do or achieve anything in his or her own way. A healthy person is a happy person. Even if a person is healthy, they could still become ill. Being healthy is everything dealing with you in body and mind. In body, the person could be strong and healthy. In mind, the person has a feeling of goodness and achievement towards themselves. They feel good about themselves and people can see a good change in them. The person will have positive thoughts and not negative thoughts. Eating the right kinds of food keeps your body healthy and makes you feel good. When a person is healthy, they tend to feel good about themselves and their body. Eating healthy, being active, and feeling good about you are the key ingredients to having a healthy lifestyle. When a person eats healthy food, like one of their daily food groups in the food pyramid: grain, poultry, dairy, and etc. they will be able to have enough strength and energy to last them a whole day. When you keep your body strong, well, and clean, you are being healthy. In order to be healthy, the person will have to eat the right kind of food, exercise daily, take a shower, keep him/herself clean, and stay well. People who are healthy are likely to have the background of being and staying drug free. Junk food is not one of the things people eat to be healthy. Eating junk food affects your body and can make you sick. In order for a person to be healthy and stay healthy, they have to exercise daily, eat the right kinds of food, staying clean, and that person would feel good about themselves in the inside and outside. In the inside, they will feel good about themselves. That person won’t be worrying about their weight or how their appearance may look like because they feel beautiful in the inside just by staying healthy. In the outside, the person will feel good and strong. They will have a positive self-esteem about themselves. They can be able to do or achieve anything that comes into the person’s way without having negative thoughts. If a person were to eat a lot of junk food, drink a lot of soft drinks, and do things that could destroy their health, they are destroying their body. If they don’t eat the right kinds of food, exercise daily, and stay clean, they could kill themselves faster and they could easily catch a sickness and die from it, because they don’t have enough strength to fight the sickness. In their mind, they will have negative thoughts and not positive thoughts. They will put themselves down and also everyone around them, including their loved ones. They won’t have the strength to do anything, except just sleep, eat, and talk. In other words, they will become very lazy, because they won’t have enough energy to do anything. So, in order to stay healthy, we have to eat the right kinds of food, exercise daily, and stay clean so that we can feel good about ourselves inside and outside. If we don’t eat healthy and stay healthy, we might become lazy or catch a sickness really fast and die. So, I leave you with this quote â€Å" Healthy Me, I Feel Good†.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Is Renewable Energy The Solution For Our Energy Problems
Is renewable energy the solution to our energy problems? Energy that can be re-used or re-grown in a shorter period of time than, for example, a fossil fuel, is the simplest way of defining renewable energy. It is considered very eco-friendly as energy from resources such as oceans, the sun and the wind contribute very little to pollution overall when producing energy. The energy problem which we are faced with today is critical and governments, scientists and environmentalist continue to search for various solutions which will alleviate the issue. In this paper, the causes of the energy problems that exist will be explained. This paper will also include a balanced discussion on the ways in which renewable energy could be the solutions†¦show more content†¦Governments would rather build on and improve on the infrastructures already in place than deal with the hassle of building brand new ones. Disagreements often cause energy problems. Conflicts that arise between governments and transnational organisations (TNCs) can cause delays in energy solutions and causes separation in tasks that require both parts working together for full efficiency in the task. Energy prices are never guaranteed due to factors such as scarcity of fossil fuel resources and the lack of education on how to cause as least harm to the environment as possible. This makes the job of those in power of energy much tougher. On the other hand, use of energy deriving from renewable sources is on the rise. This shows that advantages of renewables are noticed and that it is recognised that they are a possible solution to the energy problem. One of the main ways that renewable energy could be the solution to the current energy crisis is the fact that they never run out. Furthermore, the way in which the infrastructure used in the production of renewable energy is produced; most in factories, is simple enough to be efficient in producing energy in such a short period of time2 (Thomas B. Johansson, et al., 1993). It is because of this that the argument on whether renewables could solve current problems stands strongly on the side of ‘yes, it could.’ Johansson explained that the time scale from the design
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