Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Discussion Board Reply Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Conversation Board Reply - Coursework Example The conceivable correspondence based issue in an association is absence of powerful correspondence and not absence of correspondence. The board, for instance, can't figure arrangements and neglect to impart them for expected purposes. Presence of normal destinations and inspiration towards the targets, through a hierarchical culture, may anyway encourage adequacy of correspondence in spite of the management’s way to deal with correspondence. Likewise, consistent objectives between representatives, bosses, and the human asset the board are a premise to execution assessment results and impacts. A worker who partakes in an organization’s goals, comprehends the requirement for assessment and is roused by impacts of assessment results. Despite the fact that a representative dislike a discipline dependent on poor assessment results, the person in question is probably going to acknowledge it and work towards progress if there is a common objective. Burke and Friedman (2011) bo lster this situation through their distinguishing proof of mental factors as reasons for clashes in
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Helpful List of Evaluation Essay Topics
Helpful List of Evaluation Essay Topics Writing an evaluation paper is an effective way to size up any specific idea or object. This academic assignment sets specific evaluation criteria, thus giving solid and fair supporting evidence to let readers form their opinions about a particular subject. Its basic purpose is to demonstrate the overall quality of a specific place, product, or any other subject that you choose. Although any evaluation should involve stating an opinion in some form, it shouldn’t appear opinionated to earn better grades. Ensure that your evaluation essay is unbiased and reasoned. Intro Writing a good evaluation essay is just like rating or reviewing something, including any movie, book, music, idea, action, and so on. This means that you need to base your evaluation on specific criteria that you choose for a given issue. It’s necessary to organize your piece of writing based on your judgement. When taking any stance, make your point of view clear while supporting it with strong evidence. What to describe in essay? To write the best evaluation essay, you need to establish fair and clear judgments, criteria, and evidence. Criteria are all about establishing the ideal for a chosen place, product, or any other subject. Demonstrate what people should expect as the best outline. If you have clear criteria, it becomes possible to keep your evaluation from being just your personal opinion. For example, when evaluating a local restaurant, established specific criteria, such as the quality of food, prices, services, cleanliness, and others, which all good restaurants must adhere to. After that, you need to apply these criteria to the chosen one. Any judgment is your establishment of whether specific criteria are met or not. For instance, if the first factor that you use to evaluate a restaurant is its quality of food, your judgment should state if it offers the meals that exceed or meet it. Evident is the details that you give to support your judgment. If you state that a specific restaurant fails to offer a good quality of food consistently, it’s necessary to support this statement with strong evidence and show how your judgment is reached. In general, each paragraph of your evaluation essay will focus only on one factor, which you should fully explain, follow by a judgment, and offer solid proofs as its support. That’s why every evaluation paper must contain different judgments, criteria, and evidence. Don’t forget to offer an overall thesis. When writing an evaluation essay, this statement is your overall evaluation of everything that you decide to evaluate. If all of your judgments, criteria, and proofs are clear, you’ll likely to end up with a strong thesis. As an example, if a specific restaurant meets many requirements laid out by you, its overall evaluation is quite likely to be positive. If many requirements aren’t met, its evaluation is negative. Consider useful examples of evaluation essay topics to understand what to write about in this paper. Reference on how to write evaluation essay There are certain steps that should be taken to write a perfect evaluation essay. Before you start writing the first draft, you should think about good evaluation essay topics and choose the side that you will take. Determine whether you like or dislike something, agree or disagree. Next, do your research on potential evaluation essay topic ideas and make your opinion clear. Justify your major argument that will be stated in a thesis. Be sure to gather enough information to support the chosen standpoint. Your clear opinion should be laid out with supporting information to validate it effectively. If you’re asked by teachers to evaluate a specific article or book, look for relevant evaluation essay topics examples and read related materials first. It’s necessary to examine them before making any clear judgment. This simple tip can help you make any standpoint clear to readers. Feel free to create a detailed outline to end up with a better clarification of your evaluation essay. Start writing it by stating a strong thesis in the introductory paragraph. This is where you also need to introduce a given subject under evaluation before providing some background information to catch readers’ interest. Present strong evidence to support a thesis in the main body of your evaluation essay. After determining the key criteria of your subject, you need to support it by using interesting quotes, facts, anecdotes, or stats. Start every paragraph with a separate topic sentence, but ensure that it links back to a thesis statement. Evaluate both sides of the chosen subject to avoid making your evaluation essay sound biased. Its tone should always remain reasonable too. A concluding paragraph should wrap up all supporting arguments and your standpoint while leaving readers with something important to think about. End your evaluation essay by appealing to the audience that your opinion is right in such a way as proving that you’ve clearly understood relevant materials. Finally, you need to proofread your work for all kinds of grammar and spelling mistakes. Don’t forget to check a final draft for its flow and transitions. Essay samples for inspiration Browse the Internet for interesting ideas for evaluation essay topics if you lack the inspiration necessary to get started. Samples and examples will help you choose a good flow and guide your writing into the right direction. Tips for writing Find easy evaluation essay topics that you want to write about. You need to know your chosen subject well because you will make a valuable judgement based on specific criteria. Formulate a strong thesis statement by mentioning the overall purpose of your paper. State it clearly and give the right direction to your writing that will let you distinguish between different criteria and pick suitable examples. Your thesis should state a value or its lack. Consider the criteria that you will use in your evaluation essay to make a clear judgment. It’s hard to evaluate anything at once, so you should select a few points of interest to simplify this process. Find strong supporting evidence to prove your stance too. A list of topics for evaluation essay writing Check these fun evaluation essay topics if you feel confused when deciding on a good subject: The performance of a specific team during the championship compared to the one expected by experts; The popularity of android games today compared to PC games among teens; The content of a particular TV program and whether it’s good or bad for a given age group to watch it; Water resources in the world and their use; The experience of watching any sport match at home compared to the one at a bar; Evaluating the trend of junk or fast food; Evaluating technological advancements over the last decade; Evaluating stress relieving herbs and different sedatives. How to choose a right topic? When choosing the best topic for your next evaluation essay, you need to focus on a particular issue, product, or anything else. In other words, you’re expected to evaluate a specific class instead of evaluating a range of similar classes. When looking for suitable evaluation essay topics for college students, pay attention to the ideas that you know because it will help you save time while increasing a chance of writing a good paper. That’s because a familiar subject makes it much easier to establish appropriate, judgements, proofs, and evaluation criteria. Your chosen topic can be something you experienced in the past. There are many available options to choose from. Remember that you will write a better evaluation essay if you: Have your strong point of view on this topic, no matter if it’s negative or positive; Pick something that you experienced in the past or that you can easily review about writing the first draft; Know a lot about the chosen type of experience. Conclusion Writing a winning evaluation essay is just like filling out a detailed survey form to rate different things. It’s all about determining how you feel about a specific thing or matter. This academic assignment is similar to writing about your opinion on a given topic. Keep in mind that strong evidence is always needed to maintain a powerful standpoint. To understand how to write a successful evaluation essay and earn high grades, all you need to do is to follow the above-mentioned guidelines because they simplify everything. If you fail to write a good evaluation paper or don’t know how to get stated for any reason, you shouldn’t panic because there’s an effective way out. Consider the high-quality custom paper writing services offered by our competent and qualified specialists. If you have any questions or concerns, contact our customer support team willing to respond you 24 hours per day. We are there to help you pick suitable topic ideas for your evaluation essay, create an effective outline, structure all paragraphs correctly, and do other things to ensure your academic success. You can also benefit from efficient evaluation essay editing and proofreading solutions offered by talented professionals online.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Why Do Helium Balloons Deflate
Helium balloons deflate after a few days, even though ordinary latex balloons filled with air may hold their shape for weeks. Why do helium balloons lose their gas and their lift so quickly? The answer has to do with the nature of helium and the balloon material. Key Takeaways: Helium Balloons Helium balloons float because helium is less dense than air.Helium balloons deflate because helium atoms are small enough to slip between spaces in the balloon material.Helium balloons are Mylar and not rubber because there is less space between the molecules in Mylar, so the balloon stays inflated longer. Helium Versus Air in Balloons Helium is a noble gas, which means each helium atom has a full valence electron shell. Because helium atoms are stable on their own, they dont form chemical bonds with other atoms. So, helium balloons are filled with lots of tiny helium atoms. Regular balloons are filled with air, which is mostly nitrogen and oxygen. Single nitrogen and oxygen atoms are already much larger and more massive than helium atoms, plus these atoms bond together to form N2 and O2 molecules. Since helium is much less massive than nitrogen and oxygen in the air, helium balloons float. However, the smaller size also explains why helium balloons deflate so quickly. The helium atoms are very tiny  so tiny the random motion of the atoms eventually lets them find their way through the material of the balloon through a process called diffusion. Some helium even finds its way through the knot that ties off the balloon. Neither helium nor air balloons deflate completely. At some point, the pressure of gases on both the inside and outside of the balloon becomes the same and the balloon reaches equilibrium. Gases are still exchanged across the wall of the balloon, but it doesnt shrink any further. Why Helium Balloons Are Foil or Mylar Air slowly diffuses through regular latex balloons, but the gaps between latex molecules are small enough that it takes a long time for enough air to leak out to really matter. If you put helium into a latex balloon, it diffuses out so quickly your balloon would deflate in next to no time. Also, when you inflate a latex balloon, you fill the balloon with gas and put pressure on the inside surface of its material. A 5-inch radius balloon has roughly 1000 pounds of force exerted on its surface! You can inflate a balloon by blowing air into it because the force per unit area of the membrane isnt that much. Its still enough pressure to force helium through the wall of the balloon, much like how water drips through a paper towel. So, helium balloons are thin foil or Mylar because these balloons hold their shape without the need for a lot of pressure and because the pores between the molecules are smaller. Hydrogen Versus Helium What deflates faster than a helium balloon? A hydrogen balloon. Even though hydrogen atoms form chemical bonds with each other to become H2 gas, each hydrogen molecule is still smaller than a single helium atom. This is because normal hydrogen atoms lack neutrons, while each helium atom has two neutrons. Factors That Affect How Quickly a Helium Balloon Deflates You already know the balloon material affects how well it holds helium. Foil and Mylar work better than latex or paper or other porous materials. There are other factors that influence how long a helium balloon remains inflated and floats. Coatings on the inside of the balloon affect how long it lasts. Some helium balloons are treated with a gel that helps hold the gas inside the balloon longer.Temperature influences how long a balloon lasts. At higher temperature, the motion of molecules increases, so the rate of diffusion (and rate of deflation) increases. Increases the temperature also increases the pressure the gas exerts on the wall of the balloon. If the balloon is latex, it can expand to accommodate the increased pressure, but this also increases the gaps between latex molecules, so the gas can escape more quickly. A foil balloon cant expand, so the increased pressure can cause the balloon to burst. If the balloon doesnt pop, the pressure means helium atoms interact more often with the balloon material, leaking out faster.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Suppose something happens that it was within your power to...
Suppose something happens that it was within your power to prevent? If you didn’t have malicious intent, was it still you fault? Does letting someone die when you know you had the capability of saving them in turn make you a murderer? All of these are questions that philosophical thinkers have tried to answer for centuries. The Doctrine of Acts and Omissions holds that it is morally worse to commit an act that brings about a bad event than it would be merely to allow the event to take place by not doing anything to prevent its occurrence. In essence, there is an intrinsic moral difference between acting and the failure to act. In some ways, we bear more responsibility for what comes about as a result of our doing something than for what†¦show more content†¦However, and important note is that even though motives are the same, they are extrinsic difference where the Doctrine speaks about intrinsic differences. Thus, active and passive euthanasia are morally equival ent and it is not worse to preform active rather than passive euthanasia. Suppose I want my baby nephew to die and I enter his bathroom with the intent of killing him. In scenario one, I consciously and intentionally hold his head under the water until he drowns to death. In the second scenario I walk in on him accidently slip and hit his head on the bathtub. He then goes unconscious and drowns under water. I watch as this happens, but I don’t make the small effort of picking up his head from under the water. These two actions may seem like they aren’t as morally taxing but since the intentions were the same from the get go, they are in fact morally equivalent and just as bad. In this case, the act of killing and the allowing the killing to occur are the same. A pragmatic example of this argument that may help convince you on why acting and failing to act are morally equivalent is in the world of dating. If someone is in a relationship with another person and wants to cheat, is the act of pursuing someone and sleeping with them is same as allowing one to seduce you and you stopping the act from occurring? The motives are the same in this case, and even if the motives were different, they are extrinsicShow MoreRelatedVampire Diaries61771 Words  | 248 PagesThirteenChapter Fourteen Chapter FifteenChapter Sixteen Are you having a good time? Elena asked. I am now. Stefan didnt say it, but Elena knew it was what he was thinking. She could see it in the way he stared at her. She had never been so sure of her power. Except that actually he didnt look as if he were having a good time; he looked stricken, in pain, as if he couldnt take one more minute of this. The band was starting up, a slow dance. He was still staring at her, drinking her in. 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Copyright  © 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtainedRead MoreAccounting Information System Chapter 1137115 Words  | 549 PagesCHAPTER 1 ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS: AN OVERVIEW SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1.1 The value of information is the difference between the benefits realized from using that information and the costs of producing it. Would you, or any organization, ever produce information if its expected costs exceeded its benefits? If so, provide some examples. If not, why not? Most organizations produce information only if its value exceeds its cost. 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Business Research Applications Free Essays
I do not particularly work for any organization, but the organization I chose to research is Wal-Mart. The types of thing this essay will explain about Wal-Mart are how Wal-Mart conducts research, and how it can be used more effectively. This essay will also explain the current research Wal-Mart has conducted and will also include which areas that more research is needed for Wal-Mart in order for them to continue their business efforts in retaining the title of one of the largest retailers nationwide. We will write a custom essay sample on Business Research Applications or any similar topic only for you Order Now As a company that is so well known, many businesses still try to compete with the way Wal-Mart works and conduct’s their research. There are many different types of research known as research methods. Some of these include but are not limited to qualitative and quantitative research. Qualitative research is a set of non-numerical research techniques in which data is obtained from a relatively small group of respondents and not analyzed with statistical techniques. Quantitative research is a collection of numerical data in order to describe, explain, predict, and/or control phenomena of interest (www. crel. org). Although Wal-Mart is a big company, there are many down falls they tend to hold on to. Wal-Mart also uses many research methods to gather information about the store such as products, customer service, pricing, employee fairness, etc. One research method that Wal-Mart uses is a survey method. I don’t know how many times I have been to Wal-Mart and was given a receipt that stated to go online and complete a survey and I will be entered in to a sweepstakes.Well, I didn’t win the sweepstakes, and the survey was basically just questions about the Wal-Mart store and which areas if any, needed improvement on customer satisfaction, employee fairness, and even about Wal-Mart’s pay scale. Wal-Mart is a big organization but in my opinion lacks the research skills needed to find better ways to handle the so many smalltime issues at hand. Many people have criticized Wal-Mart for the way they conduct business, wages, working conditions, and problems with insurance. Some activists also protest to new stores being built in certain locations and communities.During 2005, Labor Unions established new organizations and websites to help influence the public’s opinion about Wal-Mart. By the End 0f 2005, Wal-Mart created the Working family’s for Wal-Mart to counter criticisms made by other groups. To gain a better understanding of the challenges of money management for people in the economy today, Wal-Mart commissioned Aite Group to conduct a study on undeserved individuals across the country. This study showed that paying bills in-person remains main stream among a large segment of Americans who make less than $45,000 in annual income per year. Wal-Mart’s new plan with the Walk-in-bill pay is another way that Wal-Mart is trying to put ease to the community. The research that Wal-Mart conducted helped them have a better understanding of the publics’ financial needs, which in turn helped Wal-Mart strategize a better and more convenient way for the public to pay their bills while paying a much lower cost to pay that bill. As an area that I think Wal-Mart needs to conduct more research is with employee fairness and in the insurance area of Wal-Mart.Wal-Mart claims that they offer affordable insurance, but according to a memo written by Susan Chambers, Wal-Mart’s executive Vice President for Benefits, she states, â€Å"our critics are correct in some of their observations. Specifically, our coverage is expensive for low-income families, and Wal-Mart has a significant percentage of associates and their children on public assistance†(Chambers, 2005). Now with the executive vice president writing a memo on Wal-Mart, you would think this would send the message to reduce insurance cover costs and premiums for employees.As for another area that needs more research is the pay wage at Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart neglects to address the issues revolving around the pay that employees receive. There is a lot of speculation on if Wal-Mart’s pay ratio is promising. Wal-Mart workers usually earn an estimated twelve percent less than retail workers altogether and fourteen percent less than workers in large retail in general. Many recent studies have found that a new company of Wal-Mart into a county would reduce both average and aggregate earnings of most retail workers and would reduce the share of retail workers with health coverage on the job.The impact is not only one of substitution of higher wage for lower wage retail jobs, but also a reduction in wages among competitors. As a result of lower compensation, Wal-Mart workers tend to make greater use of public health and welfare programs compared to retail workers as a whole, which will end up transferring costs to taxpayers (http://laborcenter. berkeley. edu). These two topics are the ones that mainly stick out to me, and seem to need a lot more research to successfully find an answer to the many issues Wal-Mart faces each and everyday.Wal-Mart’s corporate office knows that critics are out there waiting for Wal-Mart to make a mistake so that they can capitalize on it and expose all of Wal-Mart’s little secrets to the public. In order for Wal-Mart to continue to make advancements in the retail business they first must address the issues surrounding their companies and employees, and find better alternatives in the way the company makes their money. Wal-Mart has to understand that the financial situations of the public are of most concern to the public people; considering the poverty levels within the public as well as the financial stress for the whole economy. How to cite Business Research Applications, Essays
Friday, April 24, 2020
What Means What Essays - Girl, , Term Papers
What Means What Rudy Yurkovich Who Said What Means Ask yourselves these questions before you read Kincaids Girl, Do you know what a housewife is, being a student or child, getting advice from an elder, and being called something that you are not? What is this story's about is it a story at all or just a poem in essay form? What kind of mood are you in right now to decipher this story in your own words? The story depends on the mood you are in and change the whole perception of this story. Then again, isnt that what writing is about to begin with? Interpret the story as Mr. Hass told us to do, I did, but I analyzed it as a poem looking for an underlying meaning. There had to be much more than what there than what was told to us. I had a totally different perception. After the discussion, it seemed relevant for me to understand the story in a different way. But, I thought it was a mother to daughter talk. The daughter talk (my interpretation of the narration) was commands that her mom was saying. The advice told to her was not to becom e a slut, which was repeated several times in this story. But the question I ask you is, this present situation in the girls life, or was it a recollection of one that she had before with her mother? Is this story taking place in present time or in the past? It could be in the present with a young girl but I also came to the conclusion that this could be in the past and the italicized words could keep repeating in her mothers forgotten speech. Now is when she needs her mothers comfort and not only that what she wished at the time of the talk. In the other perspective though it could be in the present time and just be recalled by the narrator to opens ones imagination to make them draw their own conclusions. Is story a poem or is it a story, isnt this story just a page with sentences making thoughts about a person to another person. Well that is what I got out of it and now I can only get more confused thinking of it, the story is so broad anyones interpretation could be perceived as correct. Not only that the story can change with each person, it also changes with the readers mood at that point time, not only that try to analyze it and your mind just wonders with the choices that Kincaid gives you. Besides that interpret it after all the thoughts thrown around in class. After reading the story I thought about it, and all the statements that were discussed. I sat back and tried to figure it all out. I came to the conclusion that the mother was upset at something that the girl had done. It could have been the first time the girl had a boyfriend, or maybe it was something a little more serious. For instance it seems like the mother is real hyper and frustrated at something. She keeps reprimanding the girl and saying, Dont become a slut and dont become a troublemaker, especially singing your music in church (Kincaid p. 430). But, the girl defends herself in the first italicized print saying I dont sing benna on Sundays at all and never in Sunday school (p. 430). Saying, No mom I do not do what you might think I do ever and never in the house of God (p. 430). This could be related to religion but I dont think religion has anything really significant to do in the story. There is a sentence in the story that makes me feel the way I do about it. Religion might or might not be relevant in the story. I am leaning towards not being relevant because it is such a broad subject for such a short story. I just wasnt to touch on something like sex, which is all over the bible with premarital sex and with being sinners in general. Meaning nothing more than what common man is sinners and that is bringing her mother not to become something that
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Definition and Examples of Trademark
Definition and Examples of Trademark A trademark is a distinctive word, phrase, symbol, or design that identifies a product or service and is legally owned by its manufacturer or inventor. Abbreviation, TM. In formal writing, as a general rule, trademarks should be avoided unless specific products or services are being discussed. Exceptions are sometimes made when a trademark (for example, Taser) is better known than its generic equivalent (electroshock weapon).The website of the International Trademark Association [INTA] includes a guide to the proper use of more than 3,000 trademarks registered in the U.S. According to the INTA, a trademark should always be used as an adjective qualifying a generic noun that defines the product or service [for example, Ray-Ban sunglasses, not Ray-Bans]. . . . As adjectives, marks should not be used as plurals or in the possessive form, unless the mark itself is plural or possessive (such as 1-800-FLOWERS, MCDONALD’S or LEVI’S). Examples and Observations Band-AidChap StickCrock-PotDolbyFormicaFreonFrisbeeHacky SackHooverJacuzziJeepJet SkiKleenexLoaferLycraMaceNaugahydePlaybillPopsicleRollerbladeSkivviesSporkTaserTeletypeVaselineVelcroWindbreaker Originally trademarks, these common names are now regarded as generic names: aspirinbundt cakecellophanedittodry iceescalatorgranolaheroinkerosenelinoleumLPminibikenylonpogosticktarmacthermostouch-tonetrampolinewedgieyo-yozipper
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Modal Verbs Grammar and Construction for ESL
Modal Verbs Grammar and Construction for ESL Modal verbs help qualify a verb by saying what a person can, may, should, or must do, as well as what might happen. The grammar used with modal verbs can be confusing at times. Generally speaking, modal verbs act like auxiliary verbs in that they are used together with a main verb. She has lived in New York for ten years. - auxiliary verb has She might live in New York for ten years. - modal verb might Some modal forms such as have to, be able to and need are sometimes used with together with auxiliary verbs: Do you have to work tomorrow?Will you be able to come to the party next week? Others such as can, should, and must are not used with an auxiliary verb: Where should I go?They mustnt waste time. This page provides an overview of the most common modal verbs including many exceptions to the rule. Can - May Both can and may are used in question form to ask permission. Examples of Asking Permission with May and Can Can I come with you?May I come with you? In the past, may was considered correct and can incorrect when asking for permission. However, in modern English it is common to use both forms and considered correct by all but the strictest of grammarians. Can - To Be Allowed To One of the uses of can is to express permission. In the simplest sense, we use can as a polite form to request something. However, at other times can expresses permission to do something specific. In this case, to be allowed to do something can also be used. To be allowed to is more formal and is commonly used for rules and regulations. Examples of Simple Questions: Can I come with you?Can I make a telephone call? Examples of Asking Permission Can I go to the party? Am I allowed to go to the party?Can he take the course with me? Is he allowed to take the course with me? Can - To Be Able To Can is also used to express ability. Another form that can be used to express ability is to be able to. Usually, either of these two forms can be used. I can play the piano. Im able to play the piano.She can speak Spanish. Shes able to speak Spanish. There is no future or perfect form of can. Use to be able to in both future and perfect tenses. Jacks been able to golf for three years.Ill be able to speak Spanish when I finish the course. Special Case of the Past Positive Form When speaking about a specific (non-general) event in the past only to be able to is used in the positive form. However, both can and to be able to are used in the past negative. I was able to get tickets for the concert. NOT I could get tickets for the concert.I couldnt come last night. OR I wasnt able to come last night. May / Might May and might are used to express future possibilities. Do not use helping verbs with may or might. He may visit next week.She might fly to Amsterdam. Must Must is used for strong personal obligation. When something is very important to us at a particular moment we use must. Oh, I really must go.My tooth is killing me. I must see a dentist. Have to Use have to for daily routines and responsibilities. He has to get up early every day.Do they have to travel often? Mustnt vs. Dont Have To Remember that mustnt expresses prohibition. Dont have to expresses something that is not required. However, if the person may choose to do so if he or she pleases. Children mustnt play with medicine.I dont have to go to work on Fridays. Should Should is used to ask for or give advice. Should I see a doctor?He should leave soon if he wants to catch the train. Should, Ought to, Had Better Both ought to and had better express the same idea as should. They can usually be used in place of should. You should see a dentist. Youd better see a dentist.They should join a team. They ought to join a team. NOTE: had better is a more urgent form. Modal Various Verb Forms Modal verbs are generally followed by the base form of the verb. She should come with us to the party.They must finish their homework before dinner.I might play tennis after work. Modal Verbs of Probability Modal verbs grammar can become especially confusing when taking a look at the verbs which follow the modal verb itself. Usually, modal verbs grammar dictates that modal verbs are followed by the base form of the verb to the present or future moment. However, Modal verbs can also be used with other forms of verbs. The most common of these modal verbs grammar forms is the use of the modal plus a perfect form to refer to a past time when using a modal verb of probability. She must have bought that house.Jane could have thought he was late.Tim cant have believed her story. Other forms used include the modal plus the progressive form to refer to what may / should / could be happening at the present moment of time. He may be studying for his math exam.He must be thinking about the future.Tom can be driving that truck, hes sick today.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Social Ecology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Social Ecology - Essay Example The arguments of Holmes favor natural ecosystems. However, the author of this passage holds that human and non-human populations are equally crucial. Attfield points out that people should create an environment that embraces nonhuman and human coexistence (296). Robin asserts that sustainable development does not conflict with efforts to protect ecosystem. Robin Attfield agrees with Holmes on the aspects of preserving the wild species. He contends that people should preserve the current wildlife and natural habitats. However, Robin differs with Holmes on the best ways to preserve the natural ecosystem. Attfield asserts that human population should not move from their residential areas where there is peaceful coexistence with wildlife (297). The argument of the author contradicts the stand of Holmes that requires people reside away from natural reserves (296). Holmes argues that increasing human population poses a danger to the ecosystem. He argues that parents should have two children and should do away with extra ones. However, Robin asserts that every child there is an intrinsic value of life. The author argues that there are natural measures that control human population such as death. Robin points out that overcrowding can have indirect effects to natural resources (Attfield
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Running a Business on Smartphones Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 69
Running a Business on Smartphones - Case Study Example The companies are able to resolve customer issues with fewer processes, for example through the use of CPS, making the customers more satisfied. The use of the phones eased and cheapened the process of transactions, reducing unwanted costs. For example, Lloyd was able to cut the time used for data entry and dispatch, the fuel costs were cut by more than 30% and a reduction in unauthorized stops. In overall, the company was able to reduce its cost an estimated 100 million dollar profit in 2007. Most employees feared their jobs were over with the implementation of the smartphones. The introduction of the phones could lead to a fewer workforce for the companies. For example, Lloyd reduced their staff from 100 to just 40; hence the employees were right to be scared of the implementation. 1. The management of the company should come up with a system that tries to blend the existing workforce and the new initiative rather than wiping out most of the staff. The system could work in such a way that the existing staff is retained for some period, like until their current contract expires. The company could come up with an application that allows the customers an easy access to the company’s information rather than going through the internet by themselves. The application should be able to send daily updates to their customers about any changes. The firm could use an application that can keep it updated on any market changes, weather conditions. The application could be linked to a central database, and when there are any changes in weather conditions, the information is relayed to all its employees.
Friday, January 24, 2020
Mary Crow Dog in the American Indian Movement :: essays research papers
During the American Indian Movement, many Native Americans tribes came together as a unit and fought against the injustices that were thrust upon them by American governmental polices. The fact that many Native people were ?whitemanized? through Christianity and other things that such as boarding school played a role in shaping Native peoples identity. However, the involvement in the American Indian Movement shaped the identity of Mary Crow Dog by making her accept who she was ?an Indian woman, and by making her more willing to fight for the rights of Native Americans. Before joining the American Indian Movement, Mary Crow Dog was forced into boarding school and she questioned her identity many times. For instance, she said that as a young girl she wanted to know who she was because her skin was very light. Because of this she wanted a to lay out in the sun so that she could become a real skin Indian. She questioned her Indian identity because her father was white and also because she was a ?iyeska.? This meaning a half blood Indian and as a result she was looked down upon by white people and full bloods Indians. When Mary Crow Dog joined the American Indian Movement, her outlook on life as an Indian changed because she accepted who she was and she was proud of being and Indian as well. She held on to her old religion and she participated in old Indian traditions such as Ghost dancing. She also went back to using medicine man and peyote roadman. In her point of view ?holding on to her own religion was one way of resisting a slow death of the Indian culture that was being perpetuated by the white man. In addition, she stated that to be an Indian she had to go to the full bloods and listen to what they had to say. This is because the full blood was humble and they had hearts. Another thing that allowed Mary Crow dog to accept who she was, was the fact that AIM brought a lot of different tribes together and they all fought collectively against White America. One of the most important things that the American Indian Movement did for Mary Crow dog was it made her more willing to fight for Indian rights. For example, she protested in Washington with AIM and she was part of the native people that took over the Bureau of Indian Affairs building.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Healthy Eating Essay
Healthy means having or indicating good health in your body or mind. Being healthy means feeling good. Being healthy is one of the better things in life. When a person is healthy, that person would be able to do or achieve anything in his or her own way. A healthy person is a happy person. Even if a person is healthy, they could still become ill. Being healthy is everything dealing with you in body and mind. In body, the person could be strong and healthy. In mind, the person has a feeling of goodness and achievement towards themselves. They feel good about themselves and people can see a good change in them. The person will have positive thoughts and not negative thoughts. Eating the right kinds of food keeps your body healthy and makes you feel good. When a person is healthy, they tend to feel good about themselves and their body. Eating healthy, being active, and feeling good about you are the key ingredients to having a healthy lifestyle. When a person eats healthy food, like one of their daily food groups in the food pyramid: grain, poultry, dairy, and etc. they will be able to have enough strength and energy to last them a whole day. When you keep your body strong, well, and clean, you are being healthy. In order to be healthy, the person will have to eat the right kind of food, exercise daily, take a shower, keep him/herself clean, and stay well. People who are healthy are likely to have the background of being and staying drug free. Junk food is not one of the things people eat to be healthy. Eating junk food affects your body and can make you sick. In order for a person to be healthy and stay healthy, they have to exercise daily, eat the right kinds of food, staying clean, and that person would feel good about themselves in the inside and outside. In the inside, they will feel good about themselves. That person won’t be worrying about their weight or how their appearance may look like because they feel beautiful in the inside just by staying healthy. In the outside, the person will feel good and strong. They will have a positive self-esteem about themselves. They can be able to do or achieve anything that comes into the person’s way without having negative thoughts. If a person were to eat a lot of junk food, drink a lot of soft drinks, and do things that could destroy their health, they are destroying their body. If they don’t eat the right kinds of food, exercise daily, and stay clean, they could kill themselves faster and they could easily catch a sickness and die from it, because they don’t have enough strength to fight the sickness. In their mind, they will have negative thoughts and not positive thoughts. They will put themselves down and also everyone around them, including their loved ones. They won’t have the strength to do anything, except just sleep, eat, and talk. In other words, they will become very lazy, because they won’t have enough energy to do anything. So, in order to stay healthy, we have to eat the right kinds of food, exercise daily, and stay clean so that we can feel good about ourselves inside and outside. If we don’t eat healthy and stay healthy, we might become lazy or catch a sickness really fast and die. So, I leave you with this quote â€Å" Healthy Me, I Feel Good†.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Is Renewable Energy The Solution For Our Energy Problems
Is renewable energy the solution to our energy problems? Energy that can be re-used or re-grown in a shorter period of time than, for example, a fossil fuel, is the simplest way of defining renewable energy. It is considered very eco-friendly as energy from resources such as oceans, the sun and the wind contribute very little to pollution overall when producing energy. The energy problem which we are faced with today is critical and governments, scientists and environmentalist continue to search for various solutions which will alleviate the issue. In this paper, the causes of the energy problems that exist will be explained. This paper will also include a balanced discussion on the ways in which renewable energy could be the solutions†¦show more content†¦Governments would rather build on and improve on the infrastructures already in place than deal with the hassle of building brand new ones. Disagreements often cause energy problems. Conflicts that arise between governments and transnational organisations (TNCs) can cause delays in energy solutions and causes separation in tasks that require both parts working together for full efficiency in the task. Energy prices are never guaranteed due to factors such as scarcity of fossil fuel resources and the lack of education on how to cause as least harm to the environment as possible. This makes the job of those in power of energy much tougher. On the other hand, use of energy deriving from renewable sources is on the rise. This shows that advantages of renewables are noticed and that it is recognised that they are a possible solution to the energy problem. One of the main ways that renewable energy could be the solution to the current energy crisis is the fact that they never run out. Furthermore, the way in which the infrastructure used in the production of renewable energy is produced; most in factories, is simple enough to be efficient in producing energy in such a short period of time2 (Thomas B. Johansson, et al., 1993). It is because of this that the argument on whether renewables could solve current problems stands strongly on the side of ‘yes, it could.’ Johansson explained that the time scale from the design
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