Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Analysis Of Holdens The Catcher In The Rye - 775 Words
George Will utilizes an iconoclastic look upon Holden Caulfield, the protagonist of The Catcher in the Rye. Will portrays Holden as a classical example of an American whiner. Holden represented the generation of the 1950’s and the struggles endured by the invisible shackles of social pressure. Will calls Holden out on his ever-so-present division of people into â€Å"phonies†and the â€Å"phoniness†evident in them. Holden is portrayed as an insufferable teenager who complains too much. However, Will does not explain the circumstances, nor the situations that Holden has had to endure throughout his life. Therefore, I do not agree with Will’s evaluation of Holden. In this article, Will portrays Holden as the beginning of a new social type,†¦show more content†¦When he invites Ackley to come along with him to the movies, he asks Ackley if he can sleep in Ackley’s roommates bed. However, Ackley denies Holden’s request. Holden’s answer? Ackley’s a phony. When Holden wrote Stradlater’s composition for him, he gets yelled at by Stradlater for writing about the wrong thing. He lent his hound’s tooth jacket even though he knew that it would be stretched out from the shoulders. Holden’s response to these situations? Ah, Stradlater is a phony. These examples help readers understand the pain felt by Holden at his social rejection. By calling them â€Å"phonies†, Holden is able to convince himself that they did, in fact, not reject him; instead, he was the one who was rejecting them, due to the â€Å"phoniness†present in them. Will criticizes Holden on this action, calling him rather unfocused, as his act of rebellion has no set direction. However, upon further investigation, it can be seen that this is yet another way of coping with Holden’s insecurity. By calling others â€Å"phonys†and such, he is able to satisfy his desire to find viable excuses as to wh y society does not accept him. This is yet another point of view not evident in Will’s analysis of Holden. Holden also does not like to be criticized, as seen in many instances in the book. When Mr. Spencer starts to lecture him about what Holden should do to succeed in life, he wants to leave Mr. Spencer’sShow MoreRelatedThe Catcher In The Rye Analysis1657 Words  | 7 PagesOne must inevitably confront the daunting face of adulthood. In J. D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, Salinger depicts the disheartening journey from adolescence to adulthood that Holden Caulfield endures. Although holden seeks the freedoms that mark adulthood, he has yet to take up the role of a truly mature citizen as the society conforming nature of those adults disgust him, leading him to his gradual mental decline. J. D. Salinger uses the immature character of Holden Caulfield as a meansRead MoreJ.b. Salinger s The Catcher s The Rye 1319 Words  | 6 PagesJ.D. Salingerâ₠¬â„¢s Use of Symbolism in The Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger is well known for his works. His most famous being The Catcher in the Rye. Two other of his famous works include Nine stories and Franny and Zooey. J.D Salinger is also well known for his sense of humor that he includes inside of his books. The Catcher in the Rye has become an essential work to be studied in academic literature and its course of study. This book entails many uses of symbolism throughout theRead MoreAnalysis Of Characters And Themes Of The Catcher Rye 1537 Words  | 7 Pages Analysis of Characters and Themes in The Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger was born in 1919 to a wealthy Manhattan family. He grew up in the same social conditions as Holden Caulfield does in The Catcher in the Rye. The last thing Salinger cared about was being a successful student because he was very lazy, without care for his responsibilities and tasks. 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Be concise and to the point, this is only an outline! You may consult your agenda, previous notes and our class for essay writing tips. Be sure to use text-based evidence to support your thesis. Essay Prompts Throughout the novel, Holden is a tormented adolescentRead MoreCatcher In The Rye Symbolism Analysis1225 Words  | 5 Pages but in The Catcher in the Rye, from 1951, they are closely related. Not only are they all cases of symbolism, but they all connect to the main character’s brother. Holden, the main character, perpetually dwells on the death of his brother Allie and these four figures are representations of his inability to mature, and also his feelings on death and his own life. However, one more symbol, perhaps the most significant one, is Holden’s vision for himself as a catcher in a field of rye. . In the novelRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Sound And The Fury 1688 Words  | 7 Pages The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger is a modern novel focused on identity. The novel focuses around the life of a confused young man named Holden who is lost in his adolescents and struggling to find his way into adulthood. The Sound and The Fury written by William Faulkner, is a novel that takes place in Mississippi and follows the decline of the Compson family. The construction of the novel is split into four different parts, where each one is narrated by a different character. Benjy, Jason
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Private Education vs Public Education Essay - 817 Words
Private Education vs Public Education Public Education v/s Private Education A person’s education is one of the most important factors in determining whether or not they will become a productive member of society. That is why when considering an education the quality of the education is almost as important as the education itself. So when private schools came into the picture the debate then began between public and private schools. Facing the technological revolution that we are going through without a good quality education a person will be left behind. Even though public and private schools are separate institutions they have to follow certain guidelines so there are a lot of similarities between the two. Such as,†¦show more content†¦With all of these activities students can hopefully find something that they enjoy spending their free time. This also hopefully keeps children out of trouble. Private schools have a lot to offer. The most important thing they bring to the table is the high standards that they set. With the majority of the students wanting to achieve at such high levels this creates a very positive learning environment for students to excel in. With these high standards and positive learning environment students are more apt to take college prep courses as those in public schools. The test scores of private schools are higher than those of public schools are. The main reason scores are higher is because of class sizes. Children in private schools do not have congested classes. This gives the teacher the opportunity to devote more one on one time with each student. This also allows a teacher to spend less time disciplining, and more time teaching. Violence in private schools is not as bad as the violence in public schools. This is because private schools will not allow the student to stay in school if they commit an act of violence. This allows the stud ents to focus more on their studies. Yet another difference between public and private schools are religious factors. In a private school setting there is no separation of church and state in some cases. Often times the private school will be set up according to a certain religion. In effectShow MoreRelatedPrivate Education Vs. Public Education864 Words  | 4 PagesIt is often said that private education is superior to public education. I attended a private Christian school from grades Kindergarten through eighth. My father believed a private education would be the best option for me. Our class sizes were very small. Each grade level had around forty students, but we were split equally into two individual classes. The majority of the eighth grade class consisted of the same students that we started Kindergarten with. We had grown up together and helped oneRead MoreEssay on Public vs. Private Education3636 Words  | 15 PagesPublic vs. Private Education      I have examined and compared public versus private education. Also, this collection of information should help you understand differences between public and private schools. Aspects of equality and achievement in private and public education will be dissected and evaluated. Observations I have evaluated and examined both public and private education instittutional systems. Public Education Public schools are in crisis, and not because of any shortagesRead More Public vs Private Education in Australia Essay1030 Words  | 5 PagesPublic vs Private Education in Australia Every one in Australia wants the best education for the individual. The question is which one. Public or Private ? Education is one of the most important factors in determining what a person will become as a member of Australias society. Because education is so important there are many questions that are asked for which is the better. The key terms for this topic are: Government School: one administered by the Department of Education in eachRead MorePublic Vs. 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Although most private educational institutions do not harbor racial discrimination or discrimination against sexes, they do not have certain classifications that may not suit the masses. For example, a large number of private schools areRead More Tax Dollars Should Fund Religious Schools Essay640 Words  | 3 PagesTax Dollars Should Fund Religious Schools The issue of whether or not to use tax dollars to provide private schools with vouchers has been controversial for many years now. Many people feel that it is our governments obligation to provide private institutions with the proper funds, while others believe that if private schools inherit our tax dollars then it is violation of our constitution as it promotes a particular religion. I think it is our governments responsibility to provide each andRead MorePublic Education versus Private Education Essay896 Words  | 4 PagesPublic education has been able to provide the necessary education to students, despite its limited capabilities. Students are offered the same education in public schools as they are in private schools. Students make their choice on whether or not they want to apply themselves, and learn from the teachers in front of them. In private schools students are excited to learn. Maybe that is why they have better test scores. Students enrolled in public schools have a tendency to fail, or some succeedRead MorePros and Cons of Private Schools838 Words  | 3 Pageschildren especially their education because it is the foundation for a child’s success as education molds character and provides the learning process to have a bright future. Primary and secondary education would build their skills and qualities that they can incorporate in higher education to achieve heights of success. Higher education gives you the opportunity to study a subject you are interested in and boost your career prospects and earnings potential. Higher education could benefit you in a numberRead MorePublic Schools vs. Private Schools Essay899 Words  | 4 PagesPublic Schools vs. Private Schools A good education is an essential part of a child’s development. Today, parents have a choice in their child’s education and can evaluate both public and private schools. Although both public and private schools provide education and opportunities for students, parents should evaluate the differences and choose the option that best suits their child and families’ needs. In this paper, I will compare and contrast five major areas that relate to public and privateRead MoreBrown Vs. Board Of Education1143 Words  | 5 PagesBrown vs. Board of Education (1954) was a landmark Supreme Court Case that overturned the separate but equal ideology established by the earlier Supreme Court Case Plessy vs. Ferguson (1896). 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Impact of Violence in Movies and Video Games on Children Free Essays
Impact of Violence in Movies and Video Games on Children Television and video games have become more violent in content. We have become desensitized to the graphic violence we are exposed to via television and video games. We have grown so use to viewing media with this type of content that it no longer phases us, and it almost seems normal. We will write a custom essay sample on Impact of Violence in Movies and Video Games on Children or any similar topic only for you Order Now Violence can be found in everything from children’s cartoons with violent humor to video games that encourage players to kill opponents to advance to the next level. Studies show that children exposed to violence may be more aggressive. When children view violence as a way to solve problems, it can lead to bullying and an irrational view of how to resolve conflict. Studies have also showed that children exposed to violence can experience anxiety and the perception that the world is an evil place. Expert’s opinions Clearly there is no shortage of opinions on the impact of violent media on children. A report published by the surgeon general back in 2001 pointed to a steady increase in youth violence for a decade from 1983 to 1993 with a quote â€Å"The report found strong evidence that exposure to violence in the media can increase children’s aggressive behavior in the short term and concluded: Research to date justifies sustained efforts to curb the adverse effects of media violence on youths. †Surgeon General, 2001, p. 87). 10 years later, the issue and supporting studies have only increased. As one would expect there is an unbalance between information and studies available to compare with the negative impact side acquiring an overwhelming majority. Schneider Family Services Company director, Gina Simmons, states that a 1999 national study reported that an average American child spends 40 hours per week viewing various forms of media like TV, media, and video games. When these children complete elementary school this equates to them having seen 8,000 murders and 100,000 other acts of various violence. In addition Simmons references a July 2000 joint statement of six professional associations that concur there are more than 1,000 studies connecting media violence and aggression in children (Simmons, 2008, p. 1). Although Craig A. Anderson, a media violence researcher and a chair of Iowa State University’s Department of Psychology agrees that the abundance of violent video games tend to have negative effects on children’s behavior and states that â€Å"It’s Society, not science, that must decide how to deal with the negative effects of violent video games. †In contrast he also recognizes some positive influences from today’s video games. Anderson recognizes that most interactive games now require and include complex problem-solving skills. As well as referencing a flight simulator game he bought his son, which allowed him to develop skills used in NASA summer camp that amazed the camps staff (Hoerrner Hoerrner, 2006). Analyzing and Contrasting From the surgeon general noting increases in violence among youth in the late 80s and 90s to a plethora of new studies supporting the same or similar evidence, one may be concerned with the bias that appears to exist primarily on the negative side of the issue. While analyzing deeper, and when looking through one filter, the focus on negativity toward children and media delves deeper. When the 1999 study above is mentioned, the numbers are shocking. The study showed that children spend 40 hours during the week on different forms of media; notably violence, but one has to question if the study would have equated for the abundance of media in society today, and how much media in our lives has skyrocketed. The study not only assumed the viewing amounts within a child’s entire elementary cycle but also assumes how many hours of violence a child would likely watch. The reference to one thousand studies on the subject shows how clearly the issue is of concern to parents, teachers, and the future of behavioral condition society may have to deal with. What research has limited itself with is discovering the potential positive effects of video games, and violence in media and television. The expert views above indicate Craig A. Anderson may be suggesting strongly that violent media content negatively effects children, but he also points out that items such as interactive games, for instance, do illicit requirements for complex problem-solving skills. These skill types of skills and experiences can be referenced and reflected along with different areas being discussed. Comparing and contrasting the positives and negatives proves to be a harder task when it comes to discovering the positives, but there is a one likely reason. Media pressures developed by existing conditions in society likely form bias’s, which leaves little room for fair, reasonable, and mediated conditions or conclusions for evidence to be properly put forth on either side of the argument. Discovering the positives resides in the logic of today’s children. Children are developing complex problem solving skill sets far beyond those their parents did at the same ages and at faster rates. Studies must reflect the times, and not the basis of the past. Our Opinion Violent movies and video games do have some type of impact on children, but we do not think that it will cause the child to inflict violence on others. We believe that if left alone without proper supervision and guidance, it will have a negative effect. Growing up in a household with family values and ethics will allow the child to have a better understanding of what he or she does and to know the difference between what is real and what is fictitious. Let us focus on the fact that when we were children, we would watch cartoons in which one of the characters would chase the other around with a shotgun, light a stick of dynamite, and place it under their hat. The character would then fall off a cliff, followed by a giant boulder on the head. In addition playing war games as young boys with the green Army men and simulating an explosion was quite exciting. Blowing the Army men up with firecrackers were all a part of the violent games we played. Shooting a BB gun or slingshot was also another way in which we enjoyed playing in the days before video games. The point we are trying to make is, violence has always been around and most people recognize the difference, and would not go out and inflict violence in the real world. A few mentally disturbed children may not know the difference in between the two, or children who were not taught the difference between reality and make-believe by their parents at an early age. We blame playing too many video games and watching too many movies as a cause of obesity in children, but we also parallel behavioral issues to the same mediums, which are why we should focus more on how children are raised rather than the influential mediums they are faced with. The Impact on Children Though the point may be argued that violence in video games and movies has no effect on children, it is hard to imagine how such imagery cannot influence their actions. Modern video games – with their almost real looking graphics, in-depth story lines, and characters that resemble real people – are quickly approaching the realm of â€Å"virtual reality. †Gone are the days of Mario and Luigi saving the world and the Princess from the evil Bowser as in Super Mario Bros. Video games that are more recent involve stories that require automobile theft, use of illegal weapons, and violent fighting tactics to advance to the next level. These images paint the picture that in order to get what you want in life, you have to take it by force. According to a study done by the Gallup Company in 2003, â€Å"More than 70 percent of American teenage boys have played the violent but popular â€Å"Grand Theft Auto†video games, and they are more likely to have been in a fight than those who have not played†(Berkowitz, 2003). This study seems to provide clear evidence that some children’s real life is influenced by the video games they play at home. Young children are very impressionable and can easily gain a distorted view of reality by participating in these games. Berkowitz, in press) Certain movies are also influencing the actions and behaviors of young children. Parental guide rating systems have been put in place as advisories, though many parents completely ignore them. If a child wants ideas on how to rob a casino, fight, mistreat women, and/or blow something up, all he or she needs to do is visit the local theater. Better yet, the Internet and media companies like Netflix allow children to watch the se scenes without leaving their homes. I remember watching â€Å"The Karate Kid†and realizing that martial arts are a means of self-defense and a practice in self-control and honesty. Hollywood’s modern twist makes gun-slinging bandits out to be more hero like and less villain like. The images that these children are seeing on the big screen has the potential to fill their heads with the idea that violence is a useful means to solve ones problems or get what he or she wants. Conclusion Violence is prevalent on television and in video games. The amount of violence children are exposed to via the media has increased. Cartoons feature slapstick characters that use vulgarity and violence as a form of humor. Video games feature graphic war scenarios or bloody street fights that encourage players to kill opponents in order to move to the next level of the game. Studies show children tend to mimic violent behavior when it comes to conflict resolution. The exposure to violence has had an affect on children. The effects range from aggression to various levels of anxiety. The constant exposure to violence often perpetuates that the world is an unsafe place full of mean people. References Berkowitz, B. (in press). Most teens play violent video games, study says. The Washington Post. Retrieved August 15, 2011, from www. lionlamb. org/news_articles/Washington_Post_Grand_Theft. htm Hoerrner, M. , Hoerrner, K. (2006). Video Game Violence (vol. 15 ed. ). : Child Welfare League of Amreica. Simmons, G. (2008). Does Violent Media Cause Aggression?. Retrieved August 15, 2011, from www. manageangerdaily. com Surgeon General (2001). Youth Violence. Retrieved August 15, 2011, from http://www. surgeongeneral. gov/library/youthviolence/ How to cite Impact of Violence in Movies and Video Games on Children, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Freeganism free essay sample
There are a slew of good people who helped me write this piece. When John Boe, my UWP journalism professor, announced that we could write on literally anything we wanted, I felt like a housecat looking out the front door. Unsure of where to step, and without any of my own ideas, I asked my good friend Liz what I should write about. It was she who turned me on to the Davis â€Å"dumpster diving†culture and its protest of the food industry through gleaning. These gleaners, whose names I changed to protect their privacy, welcomed me into their homes and showed me the utmost generosity. And now, from my soapbox, I can see that religious capitalism has yielded an American culture of excess, a culture that transcends our own borders, and wasted food remains a physical testament to our negligence. Though gleaning may not solve the planet’s food problems, it does illuminate these problems, which is a start. We will write a custom essay sample on Freeganism or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page And who can turn down free cheese â€â€Ronny Smith Instructor’s Comment: I have to admit that when Ronald Smith pitched his idea of doing a dumpster diving story, I was not wildly enthusiastic. I had had a student do a similar story a year or so previously, and her result was more a personal essay (â€Å"Look, I went dumpster diving! †) than journalism. But Ronald took a different approach and ended up with a fabulous final product. Sure the highlight of the piece is in his first person experience of dumpster diving, which he renders skillfully: I feel as if I am in the dumpster with him, and I cringe when he actually eats some of the found food. But Ronald puts the diamond of his first person story in a rich setting: information from a UCD American Studies class, interviews (a grad student in Community Development, several dumpster divers, the Grocery Manager of Davis Foods Co-op), information from newspapers and other sources, reports on Sacramento’s efforts to regulate dumpster diving (including an account of a Sacramento Council Chamber Meeting), and a summary of author Raj Patel’s remarks when he spoke at UCD earlier in the quarter. And the final element that Ronald brought to the piece was the ability to write strikingly elegant sentences and create vivid scenes. From the lead to the ending, there are sparkling sentences and memorable moments in this superbly written piece.? â€â€John Boe, University Writing Program Americans hate trash. They hate it. So much so that some American lawmakers want to pay other countries to take our trash, just so we don’t have to deal with it. Trash smells, it looks gross, and it’s everywhere.
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